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Rick Clair


rick clair

Rick came to Alaska in 1975 wearing a backpack, with a teaching degree, 20 dollars and the desire to lose himself in the mountains and forests. He quickly realized that “losing himself in the wilderness” was more than just a cliché, actually akin to a death wish, and common sense prevailed, along with his good fortune to disembark in Juneau, which welcomed him with open arms. A lifelong artist, he was self-trained and unsure if he possessed any real talent. In the supportive and nurturing atmosphere of Juneau, his creative energies flourished.  He sold his first painting in 1992.  Over the course of the intervening three-and-a-half decades he has participated in many solo and group exhibitions. 

As a counterpoint to the shades of grey that can define Juneau, Rick employs a polychrome pallet and surrealistic style to interpret the southeast Alaska experience.  His work has been well received by locals and visitors alike, and he is grateful to be counted among the ranks of the many artists that call Juneau home.

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